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World's simplest customer support desk Free forever, for a limited time only One solution to all your user retention, bad reviews, feedback and customer support issues

top ios and android apps using devContact mobile app system
  • fanfiction iOS app uses devContact app support system
  • vpn-browser app uses devContact app support system
  • Gutenberg iOS app uses devContact app support system
  • PlayerXtreme iOS app uses devContact app support system

4 Steps to your own customer help desk

  • Integrate devContact SDK into your app Integrate SDK
  • Create your team in devContact Setup Team
    & FAQs
  • start supporting your customer using devContact desk Start providing
    in-app support
  • Your support team can directly chat with your app users Chat in-app
    with users

Provide customers support around the clock!

Cut down on your support tickets with a built-in help desk module comprising FAQs and Knowledge-base. Customers can perform keyword search to find solutions to their problems.

Nathan Bartlet

ClickLogics Inc
"devContact's help desk portal has increased our support team's efficiency. The ability to send support ticket response through push notification is like 24X7 support."

FAQs & Knowledge-Base!

Built-In FAQs help your user search problems and find solutions without having to reach out to your support team. Manage your FAQs through the admin dashboard anytime and anywhere.

Matthew Maurer

Universal Weather Inc
"A happy user may not give you a 5 star review but you can't avoid a bad review from an unhappy customer. We at UWC have been able to reduce 40% of unhappy customer inquiries with almost zero development efforts, yes ZERO!"

powerful, push notification driven in-app messaging!

How about a chat like communication of your support team with your customer? A real-time conversation with your users from within the app.

Misha Zubarev

Artisan LLC.
"I have always wondered why can't we have a live chat support feature in our app?. I was really happy to find out its already out there and works great with just few lines of code. devContact is a permanent module of our every product now."

screenshot attachments, device details and crash logs

Customers can attach screenshots from their mobile gallery to help you diagnose and fix issues faster. Device and app logs can be fetched anytime by your support team to help your technical team with issue resolution.

Ana Mazzoni

dotShape Studios.
"Our support teams waste no time asking device details which frankly many customers don't know where to get them. All this detail is part of the ticket. Requesting a screen shot for additional help is like a button click away."


transforming your support into a Ninja team

Intuitive Issue Tracking

All your issues reported via mobile devices and emails are lodged into the system and are made available through simple yet intelligent issue tracking screens.

Everything you need for issue tracking & resolution!

A happy customer of your mobile app/game is one positive review on stores you don’t want to miss. Do you have the right tools to deliver the perfect user experience?

Create and Publish FAQs anytime, anywhere

How often have we not felt the need of writing a quick FAQ for a newly discovered issue in products. Want to announce a new app feature, version or other quick tips? devContact allows you to create, update and publish FAQs that can be accessed by app users in real-time..

Tutorials, how to's, help material, videos and images

Build how to’s, tutorials and help material with videos and images online and publish them right away.

devContact's growing support for platforms.

Supported Platforms

devContact supports iOS and Android platforms

Top apps trust devContact for in-app customer support

Simply integrate the lightweight devContact SDK in 15 minutes.
No credit card required. It's really that easy

Stay updated with Customer Support best practices

Hear from our panel of industry's opinion leaders. Leave your email below, we don't spam :)